So these last couple of weeks have been filled with decisions. Last week our team was given terrible news that our mexico leader who had been minstering here for 15 years had commited moral faliure. This sturck our team in awe. People where then given decisions to make. He was no longer going to be our leader and we have been given the choice to see the program thorugh our go home. For me the decision was somewhat easy. I am tired of giving up and giving in when times get rough. I am so sick of the devil and i am not going to let him have victory over me or my team. why should i cower in fear and tuck tail and go home. God has called me to Mexico for a reason and unless he tells me so iam not going to leave i am going to stand up and move on with the progra. things are going to be diffrent minstrys may change but I am willing to stick it out. As of know some of my teammates have decided to go home and will be leaving saturday.. I will miss them, I respect their decision and know that they are doing waht they feel God has called them to do. I am hoping only the best for them. please pray for them and pray for us that have decdied to declare war with the enmy and contuine to battle. This week has been good we have been processing things still and helping lead a group from canada. We have been doing gardening in the morning and outreaching in the afternoon. So other than that hings our great.
some things to pray about:
please pray for my team as things change.
please pray as the leaders are looking for housing for the girls